
Flashback: A Camera for the Small Moments

Created by Flashback

The soul of a film camera reborn in a digital era. Rekindle wonder in your everyday moments. Pre-orders are now available on our new site (while stocks last). PRE-ORDER

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important update for recent Deluxe Kit preorders
8 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 06:17:55 AM

Hi all, just a quick notice for recent preorders made on Backerkit.

I've had a few reports of a few Deluxe Kit preorders that have been shipped without a case or lanyard.

I'm looking into the problem now to find out how many orders are affected, and the original cause of the issue. If you were expecting a case or lanyard and it hasn't been included in your shipment please leave a comment below.

I know it's a huge pain, but as soon as we know the scope of the problem I will have the missing items sent out.


Feature Monday: Better Gallery interface
10 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 05:56:54 AM

Hi all, I've just pushed an update (v1.4.3) that allows rolls in the Gallery screen to be collapsed.  I know some of you are busy snapping away and it's becoming a bit of a scroll-fest, so I hope this makes things easier. Please enjoy!

Feature Monday: Self-Timer now available!
11 months ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 01:16:04 AM

Self-Timer is now live in app version 1.4.1!

You'll be prompted to update your camera in order to enable the feature.

Try it out and let me know what you think!


Feature Monday: *Flashback wants to know your location*
11 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 06:39:59 AM

Hi all, I think this pic speaks for itself! This is a very straightforward feature that took some work behind the scenes, but has been requested very frequently.

Notifications will be shown for all new rolls submitted to the lab after installing the latest app update. On recent iOS versions, the first notification you receive might be "delivered quietly" and show up in your Notification Centre, but you will be able to enable sounds and alerts for future notifications.

For APK users, a manual update to version 1.3.0 is required. The newest version is always available at: v1.3.0 is currently being deployed so please expect it about an hour from this post going live :)

For everyone else, 1.3.0 is currently under app store review and should be available very soon 🤞

I've also improved some permission settings which should fix the broken Device hotspot mode for some Android users. You should see a request to "access nearby wifi devices" when enabling the hotspot mode.


PS: In the past we've been a little too afraid of negative feedback when things aren't perfect the first time around, so: I'm taking a policy of rolling things out more quickly and "building in public". As a result, we might see some less-polished features but the overall pace of new stuff will be a lot faster throughout the rest of this year.

New Feature Monday: a film type ;)
11 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 03:32:53 AM

We've taken on a lot of feedback over the last few months - thank you to everyone who's sent in pictures and chatted to us. (Special thanks to some key posts in the unofficial Facebook community!)

The overall feedback is that the orange/magenta hues in #flashbackclassic are often way too much. While it's fun for nighttime shots with the flash and a few other scenes such as snow and architecture, it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to nature or other shots with a lot of blue and green.

So, we've created a successor to #flashbackclassic. I've just clicked the release button so it should be available in the latest version of the Flashback app within about half an hour of this post going up.

Here's some outdoor shots with the new film:

But, we've kept our original vision for nighttime shots with the flash:

This will be the new #flashbackclassic. It's a little confusing, but in line with your feedback: I decided that a film type with a broader range of hues makes more sense as the "default". Remember that Flashback cameras come loaded with #flashbackclassic out of the box!

The film which is currently #flashbackclassic will still be available under a new name, #flashbackbeta.  We've found overall that it looks great in some environments, but performs poorly where vivid blues and greens are important to the composition. Because of its narrower colour spectrum, the old film also tends to crush details in highlights, especially blue skies.

A similar shot to the ones above, but taken on the old #flashbackbeta. It's subjective - There's a lot I like, but the yellowing of the grass does give a more "old digital camera" feel, and the blue sky is totally lost.

What's next?

Of course, the new #flashbackclassic does come with some concessions. We've lost a little bit of warmth overall to create space for the vibrant blues and greens.

It's not perfect just yet. In pictures with a lot of natural blue/green tones and lighting, they can come across a bit too intensely, and the interaction with the natural vignetting of the lens isn't always pleasant. I'm happy to be releasing the current version and make any needed tweaks.

On another note: With a lot of app stability improvements (and general operational chaos) out of the way, I'm planning to make regular releases every Monday with a new feature. It might not be perfect and we might not have something every week, but it's a guideline I'll aim to follow!


PS: I've given the "choose film type" screen a bit of a makeover too. Let me know what you think!